Women as Work-Force
Of course, still men are dominant force of work-force but women's share in work-force is increasing as you can see in the graph below. Despite the fact that men are clearly dominant in Good-Producing industries, women are more or less dominant in Service-Produce industry. However, still there is a big development in Women-Workforce since past. Because of working women, now in developed world there is 2 new service sector; Daily Babysitter and Daily Cleaning. Before women are not working, this sectors were not popular. Only multi millionaire or Queens had them. Because logically, women was doing all the house-work and don't care business. But now, these are needed job in today's world because women are working like a man and hasn't got enough time. On the other hand, still most of the women are doing both full-time job and house job. So, they are working 2 times more than man but of course in economical perspective, house-work is not counting.
Also, increasing divorce numbers comparing to the past force women to work in order to survive.

How Women Are Important for Economic Growth?
Economic Growth means increase in GDP. Basically, If more people work, GDP increases. Let's assume that country has a work-force 10 million people. (%60 Men, %40 Women)
So, if all the men's and just 1/4 women works, total work-force of country is 7 million people. If all the men and 3/4 women works, total work-force of country is 9 million people. 7 million and 9 million can make a huge difference in country. Of course, if one country has billions of people that is not so true but small populated specially Europe countries need women work-force.
Women as Consumer
For ages, women are responsible for shopping in the world. They are making grocery shopping, house shopping etc etc. In the past, women was spending husband's or father's money not own. However, if we compare the money they had in the past and money they have now, there is a huge difference. Because now they are working and helping the budget. Did you realize that every advertisement is for Women in the world? Even in the after-shave advertisements, they are saying `Do you want your husband to smell like ...?` not `Do you want to smell like..?` because companies know that women is the real consumer in the household. If firms want to grow or earn good profit, first they have to gain women in the society not a man. As a man, It is sad but true.
Did you realize that man side is just half of the women side in the shops? They have to do it because in the purchasing market, women has more power than men. This purchasing power is increasing while women have a job and logically more independent money to spend. Moreover, we can make a one scheme like that; More Women in the Work-force leads More Independent Women with More Money leads More Purchasing for Women leads More Profit for Firms leads More Production leads More GDP (More Tax). Yes, it is maybe hard to make a connection but it is somehow like that.
In conclusion
Women are getting more and more independent in every aspect of the life. Economically women is so important for societies specially in Emerging Economies. More Women in the work-force can change the Companies (Countries) future. More women in the work-force can lead economy in different areas. From beginning of 1900 to 2014, women has no difference than man, they are working, they are paying taxes. Still in some countries, women are not allow to work, If we say that countries economy is a car (kind a funny but), women work-force banned countries have just two tires. Logically, If one car wants to go healthy and faster, they should need four tires not two. And other two is women in workforce and economies need this work-force desperately.
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