Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Top 10 Inventions by Women

Marie Curie
What association you have with the word “inventor”? I guess that association with “woman” doesn’t come to you very soon, unfairly.  Women are doing a great job. They made (and continue to make) a lot of invention in a very different subjects matter. And below you can see some the most famous ones.

1) Kevlar

Kevlar was invented by Stephany Kwolek in 1966. She invented a special material which is 5 times stronger than steel (the same weight). Being lightweight, Kevlar is widely used for bullet prove vests. Nowadays this material is an important element of parachutes, building materials, boats, underwater cables etc.

2) Diapers

Diapers were invented by Marion Donovan. In the market, there were already rubber baby pants but they were pinching children’s skin. So she was thinking how to make something which will make baby feel comfortable and women’s life easier. She made experiments using her sewing machine and bathrooms curtains. As a result she made something we are calling diapers now. And frankly we are very thankful to her.

3) Liquid paper
Liquid Paper
Liquid paper was invented by Bette Nesmith Gramah, who was a secretary and had to type a lot. She found out better way to correct mistakes which her boss even can not realize. Step by step liquid paper became very popular among her colleges and she started her own company. She produced it in her kitchen but real success came to her when she got fired from her job and devoted all her time and energy for improving and production liquid paper . As a result she sold her company for 47.5 million USD.

4) Invisible glass

In 1938 Katherine Blodgett after a bunch of experiments found out a way how to make invisible glass which is completely transparent. Later on it used in microscopes, cameras, telescopes, etc.

5) Windshield Wipers

This kind of “men’s device”(In that time women were almost not driving) was invented by woman Mary Anderson in the beginning of 20 century. By that time snow or rain were making driving almost impossible and drivers had to stop every two minutes to clean the windows. Mary Anderson found the solution, and patented it. But her idea became recognized only after 10 years. And nowadays we even can’t imagine our cars without windshield wipers.

6) Bra

Not a surprise that brassiere was invented by woman. But anyway very useful and widespread thing among women, designed by Ermina Kadol in 1889 in France.

First Advertisement of Dish Washer
7) Dishwasher

Dishwasher was invented by Jozefien Kokrein. The idea came to her when somebody in the kitchen broke her favorite porcelain set while cleaning it. She wanted to have a machine which will clean the dishes and not break. But the way of achieving her idea was quite long. When her husband died, he left her a lot of debts. As soon as women didn’t want to sell her property, so she focused on her machine. She got a patent, she constructed the machine but the problem was that nobody wanted to buy it. People believed it is useless to pay for something that woman can do for free. But she never gave up and step by step gained people’s trust. Nowadays most of us find this device very helpful.

8) Snow-Fighting vehicle

Snow-fighting vehicle were invented in 1892. It comes out as result of woman’s willingness to see everything around clean (Perhaps for her it was not enough to clean just the house).

9) Circular saw
Circular Saw
Circular saw came to the world because of one curious woman; Tabitha Babbitt. While she was observing her brothers working with woods, she noticed that even though the load was distributed equally, the saw cat only one way and all other movements were just a waist. She improved the process with a double spinning head. That is how circular saw born.

10) Nystatin

Nystatin medicine was discovered in 1950. Nowadays it’s used for treatment Cutaneous, vaginal, mucosal and candida infections. It was invented by 2 women (Rachel Fuller Brown and Elizabeth Lee Hazen) who were situated in different cities. They were sending to each other different samples until they found the perfect one which won’t harm people but will kill infections.

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